Web Frameworks for Online Experiments

Our research relies heavily on the open-source software ecosystem supporting behavioral expeirmentation online. Here are some of the frameworks we use regularly:

Dallinger Laboratory automation for the behavioral and social sciences: https://github.com/Dallinger/Dallinger

Empirica is a free, open-source, virtual lab platform for developing and conducting synchronous and interactive human-participant experiments: https://empirica.ly/

JsPsych JsPsych is a JavaScript framework for creating behavioral experiments that run in a web browser.: jspsych.org

Roundtable.js is an open-source JavaScript library for building complex surveys, forms, and data annotation tasks: https://github.com/roundtableAI/roundtable-js

Psynet builds on Dallinger to streamline the development of highly complex experiment paradigms: https://gitlab.com/PsyNetDev/PsyNet

More resources coming soon